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REACH Implementing Regulation

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At the 28th Meeting of Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL) in November, some provisional timings intended to help clarify for all actors under REACH how the duties concerning dossier updates as referred to in Article 22 of REACH i.e. clarifying "without undue delay" - some of these provisional timings are given below:

Change triggering
(M/I/OR) or identity/address

 6 months                 
 Substance Composition
- if change covered by joint reg   
- if updated CSR reqd

3 months
1 year

 Change in tonnage band
- decrease 
- increase (testing proposal)

3 months
6 months

 New uses
- no CSR reqd
- CSR change reqd

3 months
1 year 

Early plans are to bring a proposal to the REACH Committee in February 2019 with a view to bringing it to a vote in April 2019.

Tagged in: ECHA REACH